1,833 research outputs found

    Low Energy Tests of the Weak Interaction

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    The study of low energy weak interactions of light quarks and leptons continues to provide important insights into both the Standard Model as well as the physics that may lie beyond it. We review the status and future prospects for low energy electroweak physics. Recent important experimental and theoretical developments are discussed and open theoretical issues are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to neutrino physics, searches for permanent electric dipole moments, neutral current tests of the running of the weak mixing angle, weak decays, and muon physics. We argue that the broad range of such studies provides an important complement to high energy collider searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. The use of low energy weak interactions to probe novel aspects of hadron structure is also discussed.Comment: 82 pages, 6 figures: published version (with some additional references and a typographical error fixed

    The Probability Density of the Higgs Boson Mass

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    The LEP Collaborations have reported a small excess of events in their combined Higgs boson analysis at center of mass energies up to about 208 GeV. In this communication, I present the result of a calculation of the probability distribution function of the Higgs boson mass which can be rigorously obtained if the validity of the Standard Model is assumed. It arises from the combination of the most recent set of precision electroweak data and the current results of the Higgs searches at LEP 2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Z' Searches: From Tevatron to LHC

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    The CDF collaboration has set lower limits on the masses of the Z' bosons occurring in a range of E_6 GUT based models. We revisit their analysis and extend it to certain other E_6 scenarios as well as to some general classes of models satisfying the anomaly cancellation conditions, which are not included in the CDF analysis. We also suggest a Bayesian statistical method for finding exclusion limits on the Z' mass, which allows one to explore a wide range of the U(1)' gauge coupling parameter. This method also takes into account the effects of interference between the Z' and the SM gauge bosons.Comment: 5 pages. Talk given at the XXIInd Rencontres de Blois, Loire, France, 16-20 July 201

    Constraints on the mass and mixing of Z' bosons

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    We tested several models in which the Standard Model (SM) gauge group is extended by an additional U(1) gauge symmetry, against available electroweak precision data to impose limits on the mass of the neutral Z' boson, M_Z', predicted in all such models, and on the Z-Z' mixing angle, theta_ZZ', at 95% C.L. We found lower limits on M_Z' of order 1 TeV in most cases, while theta_ZZ' was found to be constrained to very small values.Comment: Format fixed, 5 pages, 2 figures, Talk given at the 17th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY09), Boston, MA, USA, 5-10 June 2009, to be published in the conference proceedings (AIP

    Electroweak Constraints from Atomic Parity Violation and Neutrino Scattering

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    Precision electroweak physics can provide fertile ground for uncovering new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). One area in which new physics can appear is in so-called "oblique corrections", i.e., next-to-leading order expansions of bosonic propagators corresponding to vacuum polarization. One may parametrize their effects in terms of quantities SS and TT that discriminate between conservation and non-conservation of isospin. This provides a means of comparing the relative contributions of precision electroweak experiments to constraints on new physics. Given the prevalence of strongly TT-sensitive experiments, there is an acute need for further constraints on SS, such as provided by atomic parity-violating experiments on heavy atoms. We evaluate constraints on SS arising from recently improved calculations in the Cs atom. We show that the top quark mass mtm_t provides stringent constraints on SS within the context of the Standard Model. We also consider the potential contributions of next-generation neutrino scattering experiments to improved (S,T)(S,T) constraints.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, final corrected version to be published in Physical Review

    The Future of Civil Rights: Affirmative Action Redivivus

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